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In trouble in a sentence

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Sentence count:240+11Posted:2017-02-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: in troubleSimilar words: troubletroubledtroublesomedoubledouble updouble backdouble-dealingdouble croppingMeaning: adj. having a serious nonfinancial problem. 
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211. The issuing bank would be driven out of business if it didn't. They all were using fractional reserve banking so if you have a big player that's demanding gold from you you're in trouble.
212. I was the All-American kid, or so I told myself – good grades, never in trouble, bright future, well-respected by my peers.
213. Naively optimistic, full of good intentions, but despite his good intentions, are still unavoidable in trouble.
214. Already mentioned above, the current inventory at a high level in the lower, survive in trouble, low profits, but upstream production profits in excess of PTA and PX.
215. Robin is back from the Crusades and in trouble with King John, who declares him an outlaw “to be hunted all the days of his life”: cue a feast of deadeye archery and slashing swordfights.
216. You hurt my feelings betraying me when I'm in trouble.
217. He got in trouble down in town, The deputy sheriff shot him down. I wore his golden orange blossom ring.
218. Across town, three of Brown's men were in trouble at the gun factory. The factory was built on an island in the Shenandoah River.
219. He's in trouble again. This time he has broken a windowpane.
220. You can depend on him for help whenever you're in trouble. He's a true blue.
221. Although it may get you in trouble with your mother,( the Caddis Fly hatch on Mothers day is legendary.
222. Many aren't aware that they've become fools and accomplices until they discover that there is no one around to yell for help when they are in trouble. This is the sadness of Chinese people.
223. Just imagine! You are in trouble, because your card got stolen and you don't have anyone to help you-all your friends are miles away.
224. Unless firms have patents of their own to assert so they can reach a cross-licensing agreement (often with money changing hands too), they will be in trouble.
225. If you are in trouble abroad you should see a consul.
226. The electromagnetic interference and mechanical vibration are easy to cause false output of the PLC, thus resulting in trouble of the system.
227. The experiences in trouble shooting of the deuteron and tungsten lamps in the service of P E 5000 atomic absorption spectrophotometers were demonstrated in this paper.
228. And while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them in trouble at bankruptcy court.
229. When I was in trouble, he would chuff me up and help me.
230. The book connects to Mr. Gilb's earlier efforts, and his preoccupation with young, working-class Mexican-American men prone to getting themselves in trouble.
231. No matter you are trying to buy some computer stuff or getting in trouble with some technical problem, our vendition and techno-support will bring you with satisfaction.
232. This article deals briefly with the requirements of front wheel alignment and its detection[], diagnostic method and the writers experience in trouble removal in car repairs is also described.
233. But given the rise in the number of sleep-disorder clinics and the sale of soporific drugs, even this one fundamental outlet for aloneness is in trouble.
234. A woman is in trouble. Her husband is stalking her with a .45-caliber semi-automatic.
235. You can depend on him for help whenever you're in trouble. He a true blue.
236. Don't cry wolf or when you're really in trouble, no one will believe you. ; 25.
237. Another time, he abandoned his big lead in a yacht race in order to rescue a competitor who got in trouble and needed help.
238. The whole family will fetch up in trouble if he goes on like that.
239. Walk to the cool Mo handy, the averaging wears to want to enter to back with him together and sees this, man in trouble location arc arc hand, vibrate head to corner round but escape.
240. I later joked that I knew I was in trouble when, at the ten-minute mark, the American Samoan delegation started roasting a pig.
More similar words: troubletroubledtroublesomedoubledouble updouble backdouble-dealingdouble croppingdouble jeopardyintroducecontrol groupintrospectintroducingintroductionintrospectionuncontrollableincontrovertiblecontrolsolublevolublecontroversytake controlout of controlunder controldisastrousbeyond controlcontroversialin truthintrudeintrigue
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